
Growing Older programme


  • Growing Older in the 21st Century by Malcolm Dean

  • Growing Older programme - research summaries

Occasional paper series

  • Growing Older: research and policy, papers from the launch conference, growing older programme occasional paper 1, Paper GO1/March 2001.

  • Quality of Life: an annotated bibliography, Kristiina Martimo, Growing Older programme occasional Paper 2, Paper GO2/December 2001.

If you would like a copy of any of the above four Growing Older publications please contact Alan Walker:

Publications from projects

If you want a copy of any of these papers please contact the project lead via the Research Projects page.

Older men, their social worlds and health behaviour

  • Davidson, K., Daly, T. Daly, Arber, S. and Perren, K. (2001), 'La masculinité dans un monde féminisé: le genre, l'âge et les organisations sociales', Cahiers du Genre 31 (special), pp.39-57.

  • Arber, S., Perren, K. and Davidson, K. (2002), 'Involvement in social organizations in later life: variations by gender and class' in L. Andersson (ed.) , Cultural Gerontology, Westport, CT, Greenwood Publishing Group, pp.77-93.

  • Davidson, K., Daly, T. and Arber, S. (2003), 'Older men, social integration and organisational activities', Social Policy and Society, Vol 2, Issue 2, pp.81-89.

  • Perren, K., Arber, S and Davidson, K (2003), 'Men's organisational affiliation in later life: the influence of social class and marital status on informal group membership', Ageing and Society, Vol 23, Part 1, pp.69-82.

How older people sustain their identities and preferences in the face of a limiting physical condition and the need to accept health care and services

  • Baldock, J.C. and Hadlow, J. (2002), 'Self-Talk versus Needs-Talk: an exploration of the priorities of housebound older people', Quality in Ageing, Vol 3, No 1, pp.42-48

  • Baldock, J. (2003), 'On Being a Welfare Consumer in a Consumer Society', Social Policy and Society, Vol 2, Issue 1, pp.65-71. .

Influences on quality of life in early old age

  • Higgs, P., Hyde, M., Wiggins, R. and Blane D. (2003) 'Researching quality of life in early old age: the importance of the sociological dimension', Social Policy and Administration, Vol 3, pp.239-252.

  • Hyde, M., Wiggins, R., Higgs, P. and Blane, D. (2003) 'A measure of quality of life in early old age: the theory, development and properties of a needs satisfaction mode', Aging and Mental Health, Vol. 7, pp.186-194.

Adding quality to quantity: older people's views on their quality of life and its enhancement

  • Bowling, A., Banister, D., Sutton, S., Evans, O. and Windsor, J. (2002) 'A multidimensional model of quality of life', Ageing and Mental Health, November.

Quality of life and social support among older people from different ethnic groups

  • Moriarty, J., Sin, C.H., Brockmann, M., Butt, J. and Fisher, M. (2001) 'Quality of life and social support among people from different ethnic groups', Generations Review, Vol 11, No 4.

Grandparenthood: its meaning and its contribution to older people's lives

  • Clarke, L. and Cairns, H. (2001) 'Grandparents and the care of children: the research and evidence' in B. Broad (ed.), Kinship Care: The placement choice for children and young people, London, Russell House Publishing, pp.11-20.

  • Clarke, L. and Roberts, C. (2002) 'Fathers and Grandparents: Research and Policy in an International Perspective' in (eds) A. Carling, S. Duncan and R. Edwards, Analysing Families: Morality and Rationality in Policy and Practice, London, Routledge.

Spiritual beliefs and existential meaning in later life: the experience of older bereaved spouses

  • Coleman, P., McKiernan, F, Mills, M. and Speck, P (2002) 'Spiritual Belief and Quality of Life: The Experience of Older Bereaved Spouses', Quality in Ageing, Vol 3, issue 1, March, pp.20-26.

Family, work and quality of life: changing economic and social roles

  • Evandrou, M., Glaser, K. and Henz, U. (2000) 'Balancing work and family life: multiple role occupancy in mid-life', in A. Dickinson, H. Bartlett and S. Wade (eds) Old Age for a New Age, Proceedings of the British Society of Gerontology Annual Conference, 8-10th September 2000, Keble College, Oxford, pp.127-131.

  • Evandrou, M. and Glaser, K. (2002), 'Changing Economic Social Roles: the Experience of Four Cohorts of Mid-life Individuals in Britain, 1985-2000', Population Trends, No 110, pp. 19-30.

  • Evandrou, M. and Glaser, K. (2003), 'Combining Work and Family Life: The Pension Penalty of Caring', Ageing and Society, Vol 23, Issue 5, pp.583-601.

  • Evandrou, M., Glaser, K. and Henz, U. (2002), 'Multiple role occupancy in mid-life: balancing work and family life in Britain, The Gerontologist, Vol 42, No 6, pp. 781-789.

Empowerment and disempowerment: comparative study of Afro-Caribbean, Asian and white British women in their third age

  • Afshar, H., Franks, M., Maynard, M. and Wray, S. (2001) 'Empowerment, Disempowerment and Quality of Life for Older Women', Generations Review, Vol 11, No 4, December.

  • Maynard, M. (2002) 'Studying Age, 'Race' and Gender: Translating a Research Proposal into a Project', International Journal of Social Research Methodology, Vol 5, No 1, Jan-March.

  • Afshar, H., Franks, M., Maynard, M. and Wray, S. (2002) 'Gender, Ethnicity and Empowerment in Later Life', Quality in Ageing, Vol 3, issue 1, May, pp.27-34.

An anthropoligical investigation of lay and professional meanings of quality of life

  • McKevitt, C. and Wolfe, C.D.A. (2002) 'What does quality of life mean? The views of health care professionals', Quality in Ageing, Vol 3, pp.12-19.

  • McKevitt, C., La Placa, V. and Wolfe, C. (2001) 'Definitions, Assessment and Uses of "Quality of Life": Stroke Professionals' Views', Cerebrovascular Diseases, 11(suppl 4) p.38.

  • McKevitt, C. (2001) 'Life after stroke', Stroke News, Vol 19, No 2, pp.20-21.

Environment and identity in later life: a cross-setting study

  • Peace, S. and Holland, C. (2001) (eds) Inclusive Housing in an Ageing Society, Bristol, Policy Press, pp.272.

  • Peace, S., Holland C. and Kellaher, L. (forthcoming 2003), 'Making Space for Identity' in G.A. Andrews and D.R. Phillips (eds) Ageing and Place, London, Routledge.

  • Peace, S., Holland. C and Kellaher, L (forthcoming 2003), 'The Influence of Neighbourhood and Community on Wellbeing and Identity in Later Life: an English perspective' in G.D. Rowles and H. Chaudrey (eds) Coming Home: International Perspectives on Place, Time and identity in Old Age, New York, Springer Publishing Company.

Older people in deprived neighbourhoods: social exclusion and quality of life in old age

  • Scharf, T., Phillipson, C., Kingston, P. and Smith, A.E. (2001) 'Social Exclusion and Older People: Exploring the Connections', Education and Ageing Vol 16, No 3, pp 303-320.

  • Smith, A.E., (2000) 'Quality of Life: A Review', Education and Ageing Vol 15, No 3, pp.419-35.

  • Smith, A.E. (2001) 'Defining quality of life', Growing Older Programme Newsletter No 2, p.3.

  • Scharf, T. (2002), 'Lessons from socially deprived neighbourhoods, Growing Older Programme Newsletter 5, pp.5-6.

  • Scharf, T. (2002), 'Researching disadvantage amongst older people belonging to ethnic minority groups, Growing Older Programme Newsletter 4, pp.5-6.

  • Scharf, T., Phillipson, C., Smith, A.E. and Kingston, P. (2002), 'Age-old problems, Community Care, 31 October, No 1446, pp.34-35.

  • Scharf, T., Phillipson, C., Smith, A.E. and Kingston, P. (2002), Growing Older in Socially Deprived Areas: Social Exclusion in Later Life, London, Help the Aged.

  • Scharf, T., Phillipson, C., Smith, A.E. and Kingston, P. (2002), 'Growing Older in Socially Deprived Areas: Social Exclusion in Later Life', Executive Summary, London, Help the Aged.

  • Scharf, T., Phillipson, C., Smith, A.E. and Kingston, P. (2002), 'Older people in deprived areas: perceptions of the neighbourhood', Quality in Ageing, Vol 3, No 2, pp. 11-21.

  • Smith, A.E., Phillipson, C. and Scharf, T. (2002), Social Capital: Concepts, measures and the implications for urban communities, Working Paper 9, Centre for Social Gerontology, School of Social Relations, Keele University.

Exploring perceptions of quality of life of frail older people during and after their transition to institutional care

  • Tester, S., Downs, M. and Hubbard, G. (2000) 'Research in Progress: Exploring perceptions of quality of life of frail older people', Generations Review, Vol 10, No 3, pp-17-18.

  • Hubbard, G., Tester, S. and Downs, M. (2001) 'Family carers talk about their perceptions of nursing homes', Journal of Dementia Care, September/October, p.37.

  • Hubbard, G., Downs, M. and Tester, S. (2001) 'Including the perspectives of older people in institutional care during the consent process' in H. Wilkinson (ed.) The perspectives of people with dementia - research methods and motivations, London, Jessica Kingsley, pp.63-98.

  • Hubbard, G., Cook, A., Tester, S. and Downs, M. (2002), 'Beyond words: older people with dementia using and interpreting non-verbal behaviour', Journal of Aging Studies, Vol 16, No 2, pp.155-167.

  • Hubbard, G., Tester, S and Downs, M. (2003), 'Meaningful social interactions between older people in institutional care settings', Ageing and Society, Vol 23, Part 1, pp.99-114.

Project: loneliness, social isolation and living alone in later life

  • Victor, C.R., Scambler, S., Bond, J. and Bowling, A. (2002) 'Loneliness in Later Life: Preliminary findings from the Growing Older project', Quality in Ageing - Policy, Practice and Research, Vol 3, issue 1, March.

Older women's lives and voices: policy and participation in Sheffield

  • Warren, L., Maltby, T. and Cook, J. (2000) 'Older Women's Lives and Voices: Participation and Policy in Sheffield', Generations Review, Vol 10, No 2, pp.15-16.

  • Cormie, J. and Warren, L. (2001) Working with Older People, Bristol, Policy Press.

  • Older Women's Lives and Voices project team with Learning Media Unit (LeMU), Sheffield University (2002), Older Women's Lives and Voices Video, University of Sheffield, LMU. (Also translated into Cantonese and Somali.)

Older people and lifelong learning: choices and experiences

  • Withnall, A. (2000) 'The debate continues: integrating educational gerontology with lifelong learning', in F. Glendenning, Teaching and Learning in Later Life: Critical Implications, Aldershot, Ashgate, pp.87-97.

  • Withnall, A. (2000) 'Reflections on lifelong learning and the Third Age' in J. Field and M. Leicester (eds), Lifelong Learning: Learning Across the Lifespan, London and New York, Routledge Falmer, pp.289-299.